#HappyNewYear #2025 #GoodReturns #truth #science #leadership #peace
Happy New Year!
May 2025 be a year of good returns. We are not talking about unwanted holiday gifts or even investments, though we could wish good investment returns for everyone.
We are talking about the returns of truth, science, leadership and peace.
Truth has largely disappeared from much recent discourse. Inconvenient truth, to borrow a phrase from former Vice President Al Gore, is replaced by falsehoods explained away by something other than documented evidence. Just because one may hear these falsehoods over again doesn’t make them true.
So, if one hears or reads something they may even want to be true, look for the documentation and proof. If you don’t see it, don’t believe it.
Dovetailing with truth is science. Again, inconvenient science is being replaced by theories (not science) that may sound better to many. But, these theories have not been scientifically proved, and are often downright wrong. It’s gotten to the point at which legitimate scientists are being criticized, persecuted, fired or even prosecuted for doing their jobs.
Doctors can’t practice medicine according to scientific principles in some places. Teachers can’t teach real science in some places, lest it conflicts with some religious beliefs. Faith is good, even virtuous. But faith, by definition, is the belief in something that may or may not be provable. Science is the act of taking a belief and proving veracity — or not.
Leadership is doing the right thing by others, often without notice. Leaders let their actions tell their story. Too many pseudo leaders of today tell their great stories, making sure actions – whether for the good or not – are on display.
These pseudo leaders don’t often think through decisions, or even get good advice. They do what, in their gut, looks good at the time.
This behavior produces many contradictions: For example, you may hear statements about not wanting to teach sexuality in school, but, at the same time, wanting more young women to have babies – wanted or not.
How can one expect anyone to make good decisions about having children without knowing all the facts?
Leaders create an atmosphere in which their teams, and those they are supposed to lead, can make good decisions for themselves, while helping those who need it. Often, leaders do what they do without much notice.
We all wish for peace, whether it is among warring factions abroad, or quarrelling factions at home. Family dinners that once were civil, pleasant or even delightful have become less so, even provocative.
Peace is not just the absence of fighting. It is the function of everyone having everything that is rightfully theirs. No unprovoked invasions of countries. No uncalled-for criticisms of one’s life endeavors.
Peace is everyone living with what is rightfully theirs, without infringement from others.
So, as we embark on a new year, may it bring everyone good returns. May those returns bring blessings upon all.


#HappyNewYear #changes #vote #elections
Most of us look at a new calendar year as a time to reflect on what’s good in our lives, and examine what we need to change.
The coming year could be one of big changes worldwide.
How we vote in the upcoming year could be extremely consequential. Regardless of your opinions on various candidates and issues, it is extremely important for EVERYONE to vote. For some, it could be the difference between life and death. For others, it’s our best way to change what we want changed, though, to paraphrase what the Rolling Stones have sung, we don’t always get everything we want.
Still, you have to participate if you are eligible. It should be as critical a task as anything you do in life.
But, aside from voting, what else do you need to do this year?
To determine that, first figure out what you want from life. Is your life good now? If so, marvelous. If not, what needs to change?
Are there things you can do to make a good life even better? Are there things you must do to make a not-so-good life good?
Circumstances befall all. But circumstances do not, or should not, dictate outcomes. Bad circumstances can turn into good outcomes with thought, hard work and a good attitude.
We all tend to blame bad things on other people or things. Blaming takes energy, and zaps emotional strength from everyone. Generally, it’s counterproductive.
It is not what happened to you that matters. It’s how you react to it that determines your life.
Dwell less on things you can’t control and focus on things you can control. Yes, some would be amazed, when they think about it, how much of their lives is in their control.
We also tend to presume the worst, When bad things happen, we may think we can never recover. Or, we may tend to think that things will only get worse.
Sometimes, optimism requires work. You may have to look for the pony who produced the pile of manure. You may have to be open to new ideas, and new ways of doing things.
You also may have to accept some outcomes. If you get injured or ill, you must work to get better. If someone close to you dies, you must grieve in your own way, then find a way to move past your grief. Some grief lingers for a lifetime, but you can face that grief each time, and still live the rest of your life. It requires strength that many may need to acquire.
To quote from Queen’s lyric from “We Are the Champions,” life often is no bed of roses or pleasure cruise.
It may come with serious thorns or turbulence. But, as people, we are strong. We can face adversity without wallowing in pity and blame.
It takes effort. It takes work. It takes determination. It takes persistence.
So, this year, show that strength. Vote if you are eligible. Show that if you are slapped down, you get up and move forward.
Happy New Year!


#HappyNewYear #NewYear #2022 #COVID19 #coronavirus #FlattenTheCurve
It’s been an interesting year, or two.
Will 2022 be any better?
That’s up to each of us.
COVID-19 may be around longer than we want it to be. In fact, it may never go away entirely.
As we have with seasonal flu and other diseases, we have to learn that precautions may forever be in order. If everyone eligible got vaccinated and boosted, it would go a long way toward mitigation.
If we begin the year with that premise, let’s move on to the promise.
Things are getting better, as unemployment is dropping, and wages, in many cases, are rising.
Here’s the rub: going to work isn’t what it used to be, in many cases.
More customers/clients have become, for lack of a better word, abusive.
If you are on the front lines, you get paid to resolve disputes. But you do not get paid to take abuse. You may have no control over the situation, though some would have you believe you have absolute control to resolve their grievances.
You have to remember that the situation is not your fault, in most cases. While the pandemic and accompanying restrictions have brought out the worst in some, they have brought out the best in others.
Yes, it’s easier to say that when one is not being abused.
Let’s resolve this year to be kinder. Let’s resolve to understand why we might be frustrated, even angry. Let’s resolve that what’s making us frustrated and angry may not be what, or who, is in front of us, and not take out our frustration and anger on that thing or person.
Again, it’s easier said than done, but if we can all give it thought, perhaps we can minimize disturbances.
Remember, too, that not only you, but everyone around you, can be affected by your behavior. The next time you may feel inclined to disrupt an airline flight over, say, a mask, remember it’s not just about you, and your “rights.” And remember that the flight crew is there to keep you, and those around you, safe. You have a part to play in that effort. Play it graciously and cooperatively.
That brings us to what you may want for yourself, and others, in the new year. Is your situation ideal for you?
Do you want to take a different route, or direction, in 2022? Now is a good time to think about that.
Know that there are many programs out there that can improve your situation, financial and otherwise, without having to change what you are doing now.
These programs require no specific education, experience or background. They only require an open mind to check them out, a desire to change your own circumstances and a willingness to help others.
To learn about one of the best such programs, message me.
Meanwhile, whatever you decide to do in 2022, do it with kindness, humility, integrity and generosity.
Remember that what you do will not just affect you. And remember that the person who you think is persecuting you may be there to save you.
Happy New Year!


#HappyNewYear #NewYear #2021 #NewNormal #BetterNormal
Happy 2021!
The past year was, more or less, a gap year.
Many of us made sacrifices for the common good health.
Others tried to carry on as normal, hoping the pandemic would just go away.
It didn’t, but we now have hope. Vaccines have been approved. But, we still should continue our sacrifice for a bit longer.
We may never see “normal,” as we knew it before 2020.
But, we can see that soon, the pandemic burden may be lifted.
So what will your new year look like?
Will you still be struggling to recover, after some devastation in 2020?
Or, do you see that the new year brings new hope – a new dawn, a new and better “normal.”
If you are still looking to find YOUR new normal, perhaps you should consider doing something you may never have thought to do before.
You CAN find your way out of the 2020 abyss, and onto a new and potentially very prosperous life, if you are willing to look for it.
How? There are many programs out there that can allow you, regardless of your experience, education or background, to earn a potentially lucrative income without the risks of a job that a pandemic could take away.
You just need to be coachable and willing to check out those programs.
To learn about one of the best such vehicles, message me.
The past year was difficult, but most of us are resilient. The next year could be your best yet, if you make it so.
Circumstances can put up roadblocks to success. But resilient people go over, under or around those roadblocks.
If you see yourself as resilient, get your shot when it’s your turn, and take your shot at success.
You may be surprised at what might be out there for you.
Many people will simply let circumstances rule their lives, and hope someone, or something, bails them out. Others will do what they need to do to become successful.
It’s a simple decision to go for it, but it may not be as easy to actually get there. Still, those who persevere will get there.
So, at the beginning of this brighter new year, maintain your caution. Avoid crowds, keep your distance from people, wear masks when among people and wash your hands frequently.
You can still achieve a lot while being careful, as you wait for restrictions to ease.
As you work toward success, do what you can to bring others with you, while protecting others’ health at the same time.
It’s a new year. Will it produce a new you?



#HappyNewYear #2020 #NewDecade #Make2020Prosperous
The year 2020 is almost here.
Depending on how you look at it, it’s either the beginning or the end of a decade.
Logic tells us that when we count forward, we begin at 1. With that thinking, the decade starts at the year ending in 1, and ends with the year ending in 0.
It’s only when we count backward – 5,4,3,2,1,0 – as we would when watching the ball drop in Times Square,  do we assign a count to the fractions between 0 and 1.
But, when we get into numbers larger than single digits, the numbers ending in 0 have countable value. That allows some to believe the decade starts with the year ending in 0 and ends with the year ending in 9.
Regardless of how you count decades, 2020 gives us a good place to start fresh, if a fresh start is what you need.
If you see yourself as already successful, 2020 should be a continuation of your success.
If the time leading up to 2020 has been disappointing, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate. Re-evaluation starts with feelings.
If you feel beaten, you are defeated. If you are motivated to overcome adversity, you feel challenged.
Some feelings cannot be chosen. If you’ve lost a loved one, you can’t choose how you feel. Grief is usually the dominant feeling, and it may never leave you. You can’t stop grief, you can only mitigate it over time.
But if you have lost a job or a house, you can choose how you feel and, by extension, how you react.
You can choose how you start, and end, 2020.
Whether you realize it or not, you don’t have to just mitigate losses – say, by taking a job that pays much less and learning to settle for less. But you can overcome those losses and change your life.
How? You can check out one of the many programs out there that, by investing a few, part-time, non-job hours a week, you can earn an income that could match or potentially surpass any that a job would give you.
To check out one of the best such vehicles, message me.
So, if you see 2020 as the end of a decade, you can use it to set the table for a very successful new decade.
If you see 2020 as the beginning of a decade, you can start building a better life that could last you for decades to come.
It comes down to choosing your feelings and choosing your actions wisely.
You can’t expect circumstances to change without you acting to change them.
It’s not what happens to you that matters, it’s how you proceed afterward.
Some events can elicit feelings you cannot choose. Others require you to choose how you feel, and how you react.
Choose to act. Choose to overcome. Happy 2020.

HAPPY 2019!

#HappyNewYear #Happy2019 #NewYear
May 2019 bring everyone blessings beyond measure.
The past year has seen many contradictions. Though the unemployment rate is low, the stock market has been volatile.
Bad weather brought on many catastrophes.
Though many are still struggling to recover months later, the country and its communities have shown great resilience in the face of tragedy.
So how is your personal situation now, and where is it headed?
Are you looking for more of what you have now, or are you in need of a change?
If your employment situation is not what you want, there may be no better time to change jobs than now.
Many “We’re Hiring” signs are cropping up at many businesses.
Some may still be discouraged, having never recovered from the economic downturn about 10 years ago. They have lost good jobs, and the jobs they may have gotten since don’t pay nearly what their old jobs did.
These folks might ask, what good are plentiful jobs if most of them don’t pay much?
If you are in that situation, or you have a job that eats you alive to the point where you have little time for much else, there are many ways out there to pick up not just extra income, but potentially an income that could change your life. To learn about one of the best such vehicles, message me.
Meanwhile, take stock of the many good things in your life.
If you want a better 2019 than 2018, start with optimism – a belief that you can make your life as good as it can, or should be.
No matter the circumstances around us, most of us can find some good to celebrate. Focus on that. Your attitude is the one thing YOU can control.
Another thing you can control is how you treat others. Be more of a giver than a taker. Those who take tend to get their hand slapped. Those who give tend to get rewarded eventually.
Instead of looking for fairness, look for goodness. Much of life can be unfair, but amid the unfairness, goodness most likely can be found. If it can’t be found, it can be created. Be one who creates goodness.
Creating goodness helps a person grow. By always creating goodness, a person always keeps growing.
So don’t just wish for a good year, make 2019 a good year.
Wish that others will do the same. Better yet, help others do the same.
Don’t let circumstances dictate your life. Make life better by appropriately dealing with your circumstances.
Here’s to a happy new year that you will create.


#HappyNewYear #Make2018Great #joy #prosperity
Another year is about to begin.
We can look at it, to borrow from the song “Sixteen Tons” that Tennessee Ernie Ford helped make famous, as “another (year) older and deeper in debt.”
We can look at it as “how am I going to make it another year?”
Or, we can look at it as, “it’s going to be the best year ever.”
It’s not just how you think about the new year, it’s how you are going to MAKE the new year your best ever.
You may think, “how am I going to make the new year great, if things aren’t going great now?”
Well, you may have to look for something better. You could even be lucky, and something better will just serendipitously come along to make your life better. If that happens, you have to have the wherewithal to recognize it.
In other words, you have to be open to new things, even if they are things you’d never dreamed would be part of your life.
Pessimism partly comes from pigeon-holing your life. You may have even been taught that “this is what you were destined to do.” When that destiny disappears, you may think your destiny has gone with it.
Optimism partly comes from knowing that you deserve something better in your life, and making yourself available to it. It’s been said that good fortune comes to those who prepare for it.
If you are open to making your 2018 great, and are looking for a vehicle to help you do that, there are many such vehicles out there. To check out one of the best, message me.
Meanwhile, take stock of what is good in your life. How can you use what is already good in your life to make your new year even better?
How can you take the turning of a calendar and turn it into the life you’ve always wanted?
Don’t let a good cup of coffee, or whatever your favorite beverage is, just sit and get cold. Drink it while it’s hot, or at its best. Propose a toast that your new year will be filled with the joy and prosperity you deserve.
If things aren’t what you want them to be, the change must begin with you. To borrow from a spiritual song, “let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.”
The world is filled with issues and circumstances that could lead one to think there is little to celebrate. You may even have personal circumstances that can allow you to believe that struggle is just part of life.
Struggle CAN be part of life, certainly, but it doesn’t have to run your life.
So make a resolution to let 2018 be a great year. Then, make a promise to yourself that you will not just LET it be a great year, you will MAKE it a great year.


#HappyNewYear #2017 #BeOptimistic
Happy New Year!
Americans are hoping for a better 2017 than 2016, according to an article by Emily Swanson and Verena Dobnik, written for the Associated Press..
“Americans weren’t thrilled with (2016). Only 18 percent said things for the country got better, 33 percent said things got worse and 47 percent said it was unchanged from 2015,”reads the article, published in the Dec. 27, 2016, edition of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
But 55 percent believe things will be better for them in the new year. That’s a 12 percent improvement from last year’s poll, according to the article.
“You’ve got to be optimistic and I’m going to try,” the article quotes Elizabeth Flynn, 62, an elementary schoolteacher from Peabody, Mass.
“Next year will be better than this year, because people will have more jobs and they’ll have more money to spend,” the article quotes Bourema Tamboura, who lives in Harlem (New York City) and drives for a car service.
Optimism is contagious. Unfortunately, so is pessimism.
So let’s ask the question: Would you RATHER be optimistic than pessimistic?
Optimists are more likely to innovate. They are more likely to take action to solve their, and perhaps others’, problems.
Optimists press on, believing that things will get better eventually.
Pessimists tend to dwell on the wrongs, or perceived wrongs, that have been done to them.
They tend to cast blame on others, and other things, for their predicament.
They tend to sit still, or decline, because they believe things will get so worse that there is no use in trying to get better.
So, one can sit home, wallow, and blame. Or, he can go out, find solutions and make his life better, indeed, if it needs to get better. For some optimists, life is always good but it never hurts to believe it will get even better.
Most of life is governed by our thoughts. Certainly, uncontrollable circumstances can hit any, or all, of us. But circumstances should never govern us. Instead, they should prompt us to act, to take more control of our lives.
If you are looking for something to come into your lives that could not just improve it, but change it for the better, there are many such vehicles out there. To check out one of the best, message me.
Remember, good luck generally comes to those who look for it. You may live your life forever playing, and never winning, the lottery. But if you are open to looking, someone may come into your life with something that you may, or may not, have known you were looking for.
So, have a great 2017. Give it your best. Worry less about what will happen, and look more for what you can do to help others.
Stay optimistic. Your life will be so much better.


#HappyNewYear #LifeIsGood #optimism
Happy New Year!
You would think that Bert and John Jacobs, brothers who founded the Life Is Good T-shirt company, had a very happy childhood.
Despite their parents being in a near-death car accident, and their father facing difficulty recovering from it, their mother would always ask them at dinner each night: tell me something good that happened that day.
“That optimism was something that our family always had, even when we had little else,” the brothers write.
Natalie Walters wrote a piece on the two brothers for Business Insider Dec. 17, 2015.
The two brothers ask their employees the same thing whenever they gather: tell me something good that happened today.
Happiness and optimism don’t always come naturally.
Life can throw bad things at us, some of which we can’t control. But we can ALWAYS control how we deal with them. Sometimes, we must work at our optimism and happiness, but it is always achievable.
As we move into 2016, we can take stock of all the good that has happened in the past year. We can use all that good to make the next year even better.
Impossible for some? Well, some may have to work harder to find the good and build on it, but there is always some good to build on.
For those who can’t find it, they must look harder.
If you’ve lost a job, or have other financial issues, there are many ways out there from which help could come. For one of the best, visit www.bign.com/pbilodeau. If you find optimism difficult, begin by looking for it.
If you’ve lost a loved one, grieve as you must. But remember, that person wants you to move on. To find the courage to do so, one must look for it.
Those who wait for something to be given may never receive it. Those who look for what they want eventually find it.
The world around us can provide a litany of reasons we should be afraid, or we should worry that goodness is in short supply. But goodness is everywhere. Some see it plainly. Others have to look for it.
One can make the next year better than the last, just by believing that life is good.
For the Jacobs brothers, Life Is Good is not just their $100 million company name. It is their outlook on life, Walters writes.
Not everyone can take a positive attitude and build a big, profitable company from it. But a big, profitable company will NEVER be built on a negative attitude, or gloomy outlook on life.
So, in the new year, ALWAYS find something good that happened to you each day. Build on that goodness to see where life takes you. You could be amazed.


#newyear #happynewyear #jointheride

The new year is coming this week. Do you know where you are?

Not your precise location, but where you are in life?

Better yet, do you know where you want to be? Is where you are en route to where you want to be, or are you currently off course, or lost?

If you’re off course, or lost, do you know what you need to do to get back on course? Do you see yourself never knowing where you are going, or even where you want to go?

Let’s start where you are, because it’s really the only place to start from.

If you are young, say 20-something, or 30-something, you are probably en route to somewhere. Do you have an idea of your ultimate destination? Your destination is all that’s important, because you’ll undoubtedly hit some bumps in the road, or turns that will get you off course. If you know that, you’ll know what you have to do to get back on course.

If you are fortunate enough to have a smooth ride to your ultimate destination, great. Chances are, though you won’t, so plan on unexpected diversions.

One way to combat diversions is to form good habits. If you like gooey desserts or snacks, forgo one a week. If you buy a cup or two of coffee a day, consider cutting out one or two a week. Better yet, make your own coffee at home and bring it with you. Same with any meals you might eat at work.

However you do it, figure out the money you are saving and PUT IT AWAY into a safe investment. Do the same with any raises you get at work, though these days, raises are scarce. Don’t touch what you’ve saved.Let it grow.

You’ll be surprised at how much money you’ll have at, say, age 50.

If you’ve reached 50 or higher, time is not on your side. But those same llitle things can still help you. Keep in mind, though that there are many vehicles out there that might help you make up lost ground. For one of the best, visit www.bign.com/pbilodeau. Younger folks, too, may find a way to get to their destinations faster by exploring this option.

So take the time to figure out where you are, where you want to go and how you are going to get there.

Consider being an entrepreneur. For a good manual on how to do that, check out Darren Hardy’s book, “The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster.”

Regardless of what you do, plan for obstacles, but know your destination. And, know what you need to do to get there.

Happy New Year!
