#science #knowledge #learning #reading #BanningBooks #neighbors
In past decades, we wanted our children to be smarter and more knowledgeable than we are.
We wanted them better educated than we might not have had the opportunity to be.
We wanted them to be more successful at whatever they did, than we were.
In recent weeks, that has changed.
We now don’t want children learning certain things, reading certain books or even interacting with other children who might be, perhaps, different from them.
We don’t want the agencies we rely on to conduct the research into diseases to help find a cure.
We now don’t think colleges and universities, which in the U.S. are the envy of the world, should educate, research and otherwise do what they do best without constraints.
The term “we” is certainly not everyone. Likely, it is not the vast majority of us.
It is a small group of people who want to take the country backward, rather than forward.
The next time someone tells you “I want to move forward,” you might ask them, “Are you sure?”
If you are not among those who want to move backward, it is important that you, and those who agree with you, resist with every fiber of your being.
There are certain things you can’t do without the power to do them, but there are many things you CAN do, even without the power you might desire.
The best places to resist these trends are in the courts, at the ballot box and in the streets.
Tell your elected officials what you think. The more people you have on your side, the more likely the officials will get the message.
If your officials are not resisting these trends to your liking, check your state law to see whether they can be recalled.
If they can, start a petition.
If they can’t, work to make sure they are not re-elected.
Whatever you do, VOTE whenever you have the opportunity.
The U.S. is still, despite what some would prefer, a country by and for the people. People need to use their power to beat back the tendencies of some in power.
You may be looking at what’s going on and wondering, “did I vote for this?” If you think not, you may not have been paying attention.
These tendencies were well advertised ahead of the last election.
But, that is thinking backward. Now is the time to think forward. It’s time to think about ways to move the country forward at a time when some are working to move it backward.
Short of action in the courts, at the ballot box or in the streets, begin by being kind to your neighbor, even if he or she is different from you.
Most mean you no harm. Some could even become your friends.
And, always think forward, toward more knowledge, more science and a smarter population as a whole.
The country, as you know it and would like to see it, will depend on it.

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