#HappyNewYear #NewYear #2022 #COVID19 #coronavirus #FlattenTheCurve
It’s been an interesting year, or two.
Will 2022 be any better?
That’s up to each of us.
COVID-19 may be around longer than we want it to be. In fact, it may never go away entirely.
As we have with seasonal flu and other diseases, we have to learn that precautions may forever be in order. If everyone eligible got vaccinated and boosted, it would go a long way toward mitigation.
If we begin the year with that premise, let’s move on to the promise.
Things are getting better, as unemployment is dropping, and wages, in many cases, are rising.
Here’s the rub: going to work isn’t what it used to be, in many cases.
More customers/clients have become, for lack of a better word, abusive.
If you are on the front lines, you get paid to resolve disputes. But you do not get paid to take abuse. You may have no control over the situation, though some would have you believe you have absolute control to resolve their grievances.
You have to remember that the situation is not your fault, in most cases. While the pandemic and accompanying restrictions have brought out the worst in some, they have brought out the best in others.
Yes, it’s easier to say that when one is not being abused.
Let’s resolve this year to be kinder. Let’s resolve to understand why we might be frustrated, even angry. Let’s resolve that what’s making us frustrated and angry may not be what, or who, is in front of us, and not take out our frustration and anger on that thing or person.
Again, it’s easier said than done, but if we can all give it thought, perhaps we can minimize disturbances.
Remember, too, that not only you, but everyone around you, can be affected by your behavior. The next time you may feel inclined to disrupt an airline flight over, say, a mask, remember it’s not just about you, and your “rights.” And remember that the flight crew is there to keep you, and those around you, safe. You have a part to play in that effort. Play it graciously and cooperatively.
That brings us to what you may want for yourself, and others, in the new year. Is your situation ideal for you?
Do you want to take a different route, or direction, in 2022? Now is a good time to think about that.
Know that there are many programs out there that can improve your situation, financial and otherwise, without having to change what you are doing now.
These programs require no specific education, experience or background. They only require an open mind to check them out, a desire to change your own circumstances and a willingness to help others.
To learn about one of the best such programs, message me.
Meanwhile, whatever you decide to do in 2022, do it with kindness, humility, integrity and generosity.
Remember that what you do will not just affect you. And remember that the person who you think is persecuting you may be there to save you.
Happy New Year!


#homes #investors #InstitutionalInvestors #landlords
Home is where the profit is.
Yes, institutional investors, i.e. pension funds, venture capitalists etc., are buying up individual, single-family homes.
So says an analysis by Zachary B. Wolf for CNN, published on cnn.com Aug. 2, 2021.
Here are the trends, as Wolf sees them: 1) Many people still can’t afford to buy homes, despite low interest rates. 2) The coronavirus pandemic has encouraged, even forced, people to work from home, so they may need more space. 3) Traditional landlords – people who own one or two properties, big property management operations, even Real Estate Investment Trusts are tired of people not paying rent because they lost their jobs in the pandemic.
In short, other people’s peril, and big potential for juicy rent checks, bring out big investors.
Perhaps the advantage here is that the new type of institutional investor doesn’t depend strictly on the income from one rental house to survive. Eventually, they figure, the juicy rent checks will reappear. Meanwhile, other real estate investors are looking for relief.
Perhaps also, since these investors don’t necessarily depend solely on the rent checks, they will eventually bail out of this space by allowing their tenants to purchase the homes they live in. Typical real estate investors generally shy away from those scenarios.
Here’s another thought: The equity building in the property – the housing market for purchase is on fire in most places – would be the new investors’ profit. That may put less pressure on tenants/rents, presuming the tenants eventually get out from under their pandemic hardships. If you are a tenant, it probably doesn’t matter to whom you write your rent check.
However, for tenants, it could matter if something goes wrong with your property. How will these investors handle property management? Might they hire back the property managers from whom they bought the property?
If you’ve ever taken a class, or read a book, on making money by investing in real estate, they tend to suck people in with leverage. In other words, you (the potential investor) can start by putting a small down payment on Property X, and taking a mortgage. The rent covers the mortgage payment and a little profit for you.
As you become more successful, you buy another property the same way. As that property becomes successful, you do it again etc.
All this depends on nothing going wrong. And, when properties need major repairs, does the aspiring rich landlord have the cash to cover them? Then, if you have a pandemic, suddenly, renters can’t pay. The government then stops you from evicting them. They will certainly owe back rent, but how long might it take for you (the landlord) to see that money?
The good news here is there are easier ways to make a good income from other than a W-2 job. You don’t need to buy property, and the headaches that come with it. You don’t need to hope for tenants who will pay faithfully every month, no matter what happens. You don’t need to worry about big repairs etc.
The bonus: you don’t need any specific education, background or experience to take advantage of these many programs. And, you can help your friends do the same in the process.
To learn about one of the best such programs, message me.
Meanwhile, even professional investors see an opportunity in single-family real estate – one house at a time. It’s probably a temporary strategy for them, since they likely don’t need the headaches of property management for the long term.
But, perhaps, they could provide the relief tenants – and many landlords – need in this extraordinary time.
One can only hope for a win-win for all concerned.


#ClimateChange #weather #floods #heat

There are fires in places that almost never burn.

There is extremely hot weather setting records in places that don’t usually get hot.

There are floods in places that don’t usually flood.

There’s even cold weather in places that never get cold.

No matter how you cut it, our climate is changing. We have to figure out exactly why, and what we can do to fix it. Science points to fossil fuels and industrialization as a cause. We want to keep being industrious, but we need to find different ways to do it.

If we don’t, peril will persist. Life as we knew it will be gone.

Weather, once unpredictable, is now pretty predictable. Still, no one could see the unexpected weather in many parts of the world. It’s not just the unexpected. Expected, predictable events are becoming worse than predicted.

For example, one can predict wildfires in California. But recent fires have been far more frequent and devastating, and less seasonal, than in the past. (If only we could move water from places that have too much of it, to places that don’t have enough.)

Also, one can predict triple-digit heat in Texas in the summer. But one never expects triple digit heat in Canada, forcing a British Columbia town to burn up.

Think of what triple-digit heat would do if it reached as far north as the Arctic. Even the final round of the Open golf championship in England saw record warmth for that locale (though it was actually a pleasant 80 degrees).

These changes may force people to rethink careers, where they live and how they should prepare for the unknown.

There are some disasters for which there is no possible preparation. But, for many, doing the right thing beforehand can mitigate damage, injury or loss of life.

Most important of all, we must act soon to determine the long-term global actions that will need to occur. As individuals, we can prepare as best we can to save our own lives and possessions. But, as a world, we have to take large-scale measures to mitigate these changes.

Some will sit back and let nature take its course. One does that at his or her peril.

If our actions as humans contributed to these events, our actions as humans can mitigate them.

Just as we can prepare as individuals to protect ourselves and our things, we can also prepare to change things that either aren’t going well in our lives, or are not sustainable in our lives for the long term.

Is what you are doing the thing you want to be doing? Have you thought about what might be if you did something else? Are you looking for something that would change your circumstances potentially exponentially for the better?

There are many programs that can help you do that, even without having to give up – at least for now — what you are already doing. No specific education, background or experience is required. As a bonus, they can be done regardless of the climate you live in.

To check out one of the best such programs, message me.

In summary, prepare for what you can predict. Presume what you predict will be worse than you believe. Throw in some preparedness for things you don’t expect to happen. Engage with the world to mitigate nature’s changes.

Don’t sit back and wait for things to get better. They probably won’t, unless you (and we) act.



#passsion #bills #life
“Passion doesn’t pay bills.”

So says the beginning of a TV ad for Etsy.

This makes one think of childhood, and something everyone’s parents may have said.

You may passionately want to be a rock star, the conversation then proceeds, but not everyone can be a rock star. You have to find something steady that will make you a living.

Play your guitar at home, during your off hours.

While it’s certainly true that not everyone who wants to be a rock star will be. Competition is fierce, and there’s a lot of talent out there. The difference between one who makes it as a rock star and one who doesn’t may involve a lucky break or two, or meeting the right person.

But the conversation with one’s parents almost always seems to devolve into encouraging the child, regardless of age, to settle for something he or she may not want.

We can extrapolate further. How miserable, and regretful, will this child be 40 years later that he or she did not pursue his or her passion?

Very likely, a lifetime of paid bills may be no consolation.

One should have a twofold consideration in the pursuit of life. What do you WANT to do? What do you have to do to get what you want? If you don’t get what you want immediately, what do you do in the meantime? The second part is: What do you do to ensure you have a good life throughout? What plan do you put in place to make that happen? How do I make enough to live well, save well, invest well for the future etc.?

The answer is to be both idealistic and practical. Give yourself some time to pursue your passion. If you fail, put a Plan B in place as you continue to pursue your passion. What you earn in Plan B can buy you time to get to Plan A.

Sock away a portion of what you earn toward your future, and invest it prudently. Don’t raid that stash for frivolous expenditures.

Perhaps you are the person who has not yet found his or her passion. Perhaps you started with a relatively secure Plan A, and it is treating you OK. You are content. Yet, you want something more.

(Remember, too, that secure Plan A’s are fleeting. They may not last as long as you want them to.)

Or, you may have a passion that is not necessarily paying your bills, but you want to keep pursuing it.

Fortunately, for either of those types of folks, there are programs out there that can help you generate a potentially lucrative income with a strong, part-time effort, while enabling you to help others at the same time. No specific education, experience or background are required – only the willingness to look at something you may never have thought you would do.

To learn about one of the best such programs, message me.

In short, if you have a passion, don’t be afraid to pursue it. Pursue it because you enjoy it. If it pays off financially, consider yourself fortunate. Do something, preferably something you don’t hate, to accommodate your practical needs for as long as you need to. (Hopefully, for as long as you want to.)

Try to live the life you want with few regrets, so you can reach your death bed not wondering what could have been. Not everything you want to happen will happen, but make sure that if things don’t happen, it is not because of something you did, or didn’t do.

Passion may not pay all of your bills, but if they pay some, you would probably have achieved your goals. If they don’t pay any bills, make sure your Plan B does not stop you from pursuing your passion.
