#decisions #MakingDecisions #HowToMakeDecisions #deciders

Different people make decisions in different ways.

Some have to consider all the options before making a decision.

Others fear making decisions, and try to avoid them.

Still others make decisions quickly, and go with whatever they decide.

We all have to make decisions. Some are very important. Some are not. Some are whimsical. Some are very serious.

How we go about the process differs from the type of decision, and our natural tendencies as people.

Regardless of the type you are, some decisions won’t go away because you don’t want to make them. Others can actually be postponed, and could become moot as time passes.

There are no rules for decision-making, but there can be perils. Some decisions will result in something bad no matter what one decides. Others have a clear good option, vs. bad. Some may not see, or want to see, the clearly good option and still opt for the bad one.

Among the serious decisions: Where do you want to live? Whom do you want to marry, if anyone? How big a family do you want to have, if any? What do you want to do for work?

Among whimsical decisions: will you buy that ice cream cone as you walk by it? What will you do for fun today? What would you like to have for dinner? (Note: Decisions such as the ice cream cone may be just fine once in a while, but too many spontaneous ice cream cones can have unintended consequences).

A decision-making disease called analysis paralysis is common among people who don’t like, or have trouble, making decisions. It’s always good to think before one does, but over-thinking can deprive one of good things over time. It’s important for a decision to FEEL right, as well as BE right.

A decision can feel right, but the alternative can be right. It may take a few bad decisions to learn that, but most wise people do.

Getting advice on decisions is advisable for many things. Advisers don’t always know what you think is best for you, but information and voices of experience never hurt. It’s always best to rely on professional opinions when a decision is beyond your level of expertise.

Usually, there are people in your life who love making decisions for you. Parents, teachers, even friends fit that bill. Certainly listen to people you care about, but always know in your own mind what is best for you.

There are no rules for making decisions, but there are guideposts. First, if you have a decision deadline, think, but don’t over-think. If you make a decision that will be long-lasting, try to make it work, even if you have days in which you think it is not going to work. A phenomenon called fear of loss, or fear of missing out, often creeps into the process. Consider this intently. If I don’t do/go, what will happen? If I do/go, what will be lost?

Previously, we talked about ice cream (plug in your own treat here). Some things are harmless done occasionally, or in moderation, but done too often, or at too high a quantity, can be harmful.

In summary, find your sweet spot – that point in the decision process at which you’ve thought enough and can go for it, or not. Like the occasional ice cream cone, finding your sweet spot can be your greatest reward.



#decisions #OverThinking #marriage #willpower #jobs
When someone goes back and forth with a decision, some may call him analytical.
Others may call him indecisive.
Still others may call him thoughtful or deliberate.
Naturally, we all should think before we do. But, sometimes, over-thinking can steal opportunities.
The science, or art, if you prefer, of thought is knowing when to make a decision.
Some decisions, like whom to marry, are often made on not necessarily impulse, but emotion. Sometimes, more thought is required. Other times, if you feel the person is right for you and you could lose him or her by pausing to think, you may go with your emotion and hope not to regret later.
Other decisions require immediate action. An investment opportunity comes along that could cost you if you wait to think more. This requires some quick calculation, or complete trust in the person who brought you the opportunity. It’s natural not to trust someone else, but here’s where you have to trust yourself as much or more as you trust someone else.
Then, there are the choices that require willpower, such as the choice to pass up the cake in the buffet line in lieu of a salad. Here, the decision involves how often you eat cake, how seldom you treat yourself, how often you do other things to compensate for the cake etc.
Besides whether or whom to marry, there are other life choices we all have to make. Let’s start with our jobs. Are we doing a job just because it pays us? Are we doing a job because we actually like what we are doing? Are we doing a job because, well, someone has to do it?
All jobs pay, and most don’t pay nearly enough to live the lives we would like to live. If that resembles your situation, you can do one of many things: first, you can stay at it and hope things will improve; second, you can stay at it while continuing to look for something better; third, you can stay at it while squirreling away savings, and investing those savings, until you have enough to retire; or, lastly, you can stay at it while doing something else part-time, outside of work, that will enhance your income and, perhaps, dwarf your current paycheck.
There are many such vehicles out there that can help you accomplish Plan B, the last alternative. To check out one of the best, message me.
Whatever road you choose, decisions are required. First, you have to decide how badly you want something, and whether what you are doing is going to get you that something before you die.
If the answer to the latter question is no, then you have to decide how open you may be to alternatives. Certainly, alternatives can look, or even be, scary. But knowing that what you are doing isn’t going to give you what you want may be even scarier.
Of course, you can decide to settle with your situation. That may be the devil you know, so you can sort of live with it, and never realize your dream. At least by doing that, you may not have to make any “scary” decisions, or so you think.
But if your life goals are powerful enough, fear of the unknown will become less of an, or no, issue.
Many life decisions require openness and optimism. Answers to prayers can present themselves in different ways.
The science, or art, if you prefer, is knowing when the answer to prayer is there for the taking.
Decisions, decisions. Know yourself. Trust yourself. Be open to new things and follow your dreams.


Heaven awaits, but one must die first.
There are many fates worse than death, but we view death as the ultimate bad fate.
We all want to live the best life we can, for as long as we can.
But reports of people who have seen death for a few seconds have talked about how beautiful it was.
We never know when death will come, but when it approaches, we must manage it.
When we are very much alive and competent, we must ask ourselves at what point have we lived enough? What diseases, injuries or prognoses are worth fighting? What potential outcomes may be worse for us than death?
Those with certain religious beliefs say we have no business managing our deaths.
Many of us believe in miracles, but we cannot plan on them. We have to take the best information we have and make decisions.
We can pray for miracles, but at some point we have to determine that the miracle we want is not coming, and decide accordingly.
Remember that there is no right or wrong decision. But there are consequences with each decision. We have to make these decisions with family and friends, but our loved ones have their own interests. We must do what’s best for us.
If we are not in a position to make that decision, make sure the person we designate to make that decision is clearly aware of what WE want. That’s why talking about this with loved ones while we are very much healthy and competent is crucial.
We are never ready to die, just like we are never ready for any other fate. But it’s not what one is ready for, but what one MUST deal with.
In the case of illness or injury, it’s wise to consult medical practitioners. But remember that some practitioners may not have the patient’s interest completely at heart. A surgeon, for example, doesn’t get paid as much for electing not to do a surgery. But the patient, or the patient’s designated decision-maker, must make that surgeon thoroughly explain the consequences of any decision.
When a problem arises, it’s crucial to get as much good information as possible to make the appropriate decision.
When life throws us curves, we find ways to straighten them out.
We learn to play the hand we are dealt. We learn not to give up.
We learn to live to the fullest. If you are looking for something to help you live to the fullest, visit You may find the one thing that will help make your time on earth as fulfilling as you can make it.
Don’t fear the reaper. He may not always be grim. Sometimes, it’s appropriate to fight the reaper. Other times, fighting the reaper may bring you something that would be worse than facing him.
Only you can decide which is best for you. Make those decisions when you are healthy and competent, so the person making those decisions when you can’t, knows what YOU want.
Sometimes, our best life is one lived to the fullest, until death quickly comes.