#string #strung #ties #disarray #TheWorldOnAString #AllStrungOut #DontStringMeAlong
“I’ve got the world on a string.”
“All strung out over you.”
Don’t string me along.
These lyrics or themes from various songs and stories discuss string in its many different and diverse uses.
We think of string as a bonder – something that puts many things together into one.
We think of string as a securer – something that can hold things together.
We also think of it as a dangler, from which an object(s) can hang securely.
In the first lyric, having the world on a string means one is dangling the world securely from his or her hands. Who wouldn’t want to have the world as his or her yo-yo.
In the second lyric, one is in a state of disarray. His or her “string” has unraveled.
In the third theme, one has succumbed to someone else’s string which that person has attached to him or her.
Life can often be characterized by metaphorical string, and how we use it. Do we want to attach others to us? Do we want to dangle the world under the security of our hands? Do we want to unravel and be in disarray?
However we decide to use our “string,” we most often can control it.
We make choices, usually after considerable thought. We accept the consequences of those choices, good and bad.
Regardless, they are OUR choices. Certainly, there are limits to our choices. Generally, if our choices adversely affect someone else, the consequences could be dire.
If they affect others positively, the consequences are usually celebratory.
What we choose and how we choose it (them) are the art and science of living. Unlike other animals, who must do certain things to survive, we empower ourselves to survive by our intelligence rather than our instincts. As humans, we certainly have instincts, some of which are quite powerful and positive.
Other times, we have instincts that produce negative results for ourselves and others. Therefore, we use our intelligence to overcome those negative instincts.
What position would you like your “string” to be in? Taut is usually more preferable than unraveled.
String that is taut can give the holder power. It’s up to the holder to use that power for his or her own good, and the good of others.
Unraveled string creates disarray, and can leave one adrift.
In summary, have your world on a string. Don’t get strung out. And, try not to string others along. Let them follow you because they want to.
Tie up any loose ends. Wrap your world in success, for you and others.


Are you hanging on, hanging tough or hanging it up?
Or, are you just hanging?
Whatever you feel your state is, it might have something to do with whom you are hanging around.
Sure, family and old friends are great to have. They are great to have fun with. But, are these people you love keeping you from something better?
Do you feel the need to find new people, perhaps who have been very successful, to see whether you can get better?
As most leadership experts say, success starts in the mind. If the people you are closest to are telling you that you can’t do something, or that something is not for you (because it’s not for THEM), do you feel that they might be wrong?
Sometimes, it takes a new set of people to give you perspective on what you can do. Sometimes, it means reading good books, listening to good CDs and finding new people to hang around with.
You might need people who will tell you that “hanging” is not an option. You have to work on yourself. You have to take action to get out of your hanging state. You have to find the people, the organization(s), the reading material that will change the way you look at life – and yourself.
Are you working JUST to earn a living? Do you hate what you are doing, but think you can’t leave because your family and friends told you how great your security is? Working for someone else means you are building someone else’s dream. It’s certainly OK to work for someone else, if you are also building your own dream.
Take the story of the company owner who interviews a prospective employee. He shows the prospective employee pictures of a big house, with a beautiful view and lots of fancy cars in the driveway. He tells the prospect that if he is hired and does a good job, “all this will be mine!”
That’s how it feels at many jobs. Careers can be rewarding, but in today’s world, careers are cut short by machines, foreign workers and the like. What your father did for 40 years may not last you 40 years, no matter your education.
You may not be able to hang on, or hang tough, until you can retire comfortably. Some 40 years ago, change came more slowly. Today, change is constant and instant. It’s not a matter of rolling with change, but those who are most comfortable adapting to change are going to be the most desirable and have the most longevity in the work force.
It’s also important to have a Plan B, in case your best-laid career plans go awry. For a look at one of those options, visit You can work full time at your job, and part time on your fortune. Perhaps, one day, YOU can tell your boss, to quote the Johnny PayCheck song, to “Take This Job & Shove It.”
Change is the operative word in any situation today. If you hang around long enough, you won’t recognize your workplace. If you hang tough, and deal with change as it comes, you may survive longer than most. If you can hang it up on YOUR terms, you will be one of the lucky ones.
If you don’t pay attention to change, even if you don’t like it, you could be hung out to dry. Fighting to stop or resist change could leave you hanging, eventually.
So don’t just hang. Improve. Take action. Find the right people to hang around with, lest you get hanged.