#MemorialDay #graduations #summer #vacation #recreation #happiness #sadness #anger
It’s Memorial Day, 2024.
It’s supposed to be a day we reserve to honor those who died serving our country, and many people in many places do just that.
It’s also the beginning of graduation season, when our friends and family end one journey, and, presumably, start another.
It’s also the unofficial start of summer, which signifies warm weather, good times, vacation and leisure. Or, if you are a student ending a school year, perhaps you are starting a summer job.
No matter your situation, Memorial Day often is seen as a start or an ending.
This begs a thought: what should I start, or what should I end?
The healthy thinking here is to look forward to many good things you can make happen.
Are you angry all the time, but can’t put your finger on why? Perhaps you should start new behavior that will end that feeling. There is so much good out there and so many reasons to be happy and optimistic. Perhaps you can start by looking forward to, say, jumping in a pool, lake or ocean for a good time.
That may begin to take your mind off what makes you angry.
Are you sad more often than you are happy? Why do you feel that way? It’s understandable, on Memorial Day, if you are mourning someone lost in battle. When one loses a loved one by any means, it is difficult, if not impossible, to get past.
In such a case, you have to think that your loved one is in a better place, even if he or she is not with you. Then, you have to focus on things that make YOU happy. As the trees and flowers are in full bloom, it’s often little things like that that begin to take the edge off sorrow.
In the past few years, life seems to have hit people harder than it ever has. Many people have lost good jobs, and can’t find a job that comes close to replacing what they have lost.
What hasn’t been lost, usually, is the motivation to succeed. As the world changes, we may have to put that motivation into something new.
The effects of the pandemic of a few years ago still linger. In fact, the disease is still around. Yet, we have found ways to deal with it, like vaccines, so that if it comes back to us, we are more likely to handle it better than we would have at the beginning.
Things are costing more, be they groceries, housing, cars etc. At the same time, in many cases, people are getting paid more. If you are getting paid more than you were a few years ago, it’s only logical that the things you buy are going to cost you more. So, ask yourself: is getting that raise worth paying a little more for groceries?
The cost of housing has been discussed in detail here, and there are no easy answers. Sometimes, to provide for oneself, one has to watch what he or she spends, and evaluate the importance of each of those purchases.
So, as you have a meaningful Memorial Day, think of the people or things that mean the most to you. Think of ways you can improve yourself, your life and pursue happiness. It’s not always easy, but it is definitely healthier to pursue happiness than to harbor anger and/or wallow in sadness.