#2023 #attitudes #CreatingANewAttitude #clothes #NewSchoolClothes
Many want to see 2022 go, and 2023 come.
Others may want to see 2022 go, but would rather go back to a different time.
It’s relatively normal, if you’ve lost a job, lost a business or lost someone close to you to long for what was.
But the future has a way of coming, whether we want it or not.
So, if you are one who would rather look back, you have to find a way to deal with looking forward.
Think of the future as new clothes. Each August or September, when you started school in a new grade, it usually meant a new set of threads to wear to school. Sometimes, new clothes were necessary because of summer growth spurts, but, more often, new school clothes were a reward for moving up a grade.
Plus, you wanted to look great for your classmates, some of whom might be new.
So, in 2023, you may have to shed your old attitude and create something new. For many, the past year has brought turmoil, even disaster. Therefore, one can start by seeing nothing but great things in the coming year.
You can see the best years of your life ahead of, rather than behind, you.
As for personal resolutions, find what makes you happy and do more of it.
Figure out where you want to be, and do what you need to do to get there.
If you can’t bring back the past, don’t waste a lot of time thinking about it.
Certainly, some memories and nostalgia provide good thought therapy at times. But, resenting what is, or will be, because you long for what was is futile.
It may be difficult to be optimistic, given your personal situation. Optimism doesn’t always come naturally.
Sometimes, it has to be sought, even created.
If you have difficulty seeing the good in life, you may need some help to point it out.
It might help to imagine your attitude completely naked, and you get to bring it to the store for some new school clothes.
This time, however, you WANT your attitude to undergo a growth spurt. You want it to be adorned with bright colors. You want your 2023 attitude to look sharp, yet be free of sharp edges.
Some people just look great no matter what they wear. Others have to create their looks.
Some people’s attitudes are great, no matter what happens to them. Others have to create a mindset to offset circumstances.
So, how are you looking going into 2023? Are you looking sharp, as always? Or, do you need some new clothes?
The advantage you have is that with an attitude, you can make your own wardrobe to best suit you. Oh, you can browse store windows to get ideas, but, ultimately, you may have to sew – or sow – your own.
Happy New Year to all!