#WhoIsWatchingYou #BeingWatched #SomeoneIsAlwaysWatchingYou
Someone is always watching you.
It’s been said that one’s character is judged by what he or she does when no one is watching.
But, someone is always watching.
They may not watch you every minute, every hour or every day. But they are watching.
And, it’s not necessarily for sinister purposes that they are watching, as tech companies and other browsers are reported to be doing.
They are watching to see what you do, how you carry yourself, how you interact with and treat others and what results you get.
They may be watching you because they want to be like you. They may not necessarily want to imitate you, but they may look to you for guidance for their own behavior.
Just as that is true, the opposite may also be true. They may be looking at you to determine how NOT to behave in given circumstances.
If you are a parent, your children are probably your most loyal watchers. They may not always listen to you, but they ALWAYS watch you.
If you are a student, teachers and other students are watching you. They not only want to see how you perform in school, they want to see how you behave outside of school.
As adults, we may not always think our behavior is watch-worthy. We may believe we lead boring lives that no one wants to watch.
Oh, but they do. Why? They don’t watch for the entertainment value of your life – although some lives can be quite entertaining. They are more likely watching to catch some life lessons that they may want, or not, to emulate.
If you are an employee, your boss is always watching you. After all, it is his or her responsibility that YOU do what you are supposed to do at work. The boss also may be looking for how the workplace culture is affecting you. Even if you do the work properly, do you fit in to what the company is trying to achieve?
If you are a teacher, your students most definitely are watching you. Even if they seem less eager to learn than you would like, they are still watching – and learning. As with parents, they may not listen to everything you tell them, but they are watching to see whether you carry out your message.
Friends also watch you – and here’s where a sinister part may come in. They watch to see how you evolve as a person and whether they can comfortably fit into your life. They may not want you to become “too successful,” lest you leave them behind. If you get excited about a new opportunity, some friends will try to convince you that it really isn’t for you. That’s known as jealousy.
As people watch, how much you care about what they think will determine how you conduct yourself. If you are looking to do something other than what you’re doing now to enhance your own prosperity, there are many programs available to help you do that.
To learn about one of the best such programs, message me.
Someone is always watching you. How much should you care about that? A good rule of thumb is if you are trying to do everything right, you shouldn’t care. If not, perhaps you should.
But, more importantly, don’t act – or not act – based on the impression you want to leave on some watchers. Act because what you are doing is right for you, and could be right for others whom you would prefer to watch you.