#ItTakesAVillage #success #BuildingNetworks #PeopleHelpingPeople
“It Takes A Village to Raise a Child.”
That’s the title of a book by Hillary Clinton some years back.
If it takes a village to raise a child, does it take a village for one to become successful?
There are many who say no, they can do it on their own. Certainly, one’s own effort is crucial to success. But few can be a success with no help at all.
Where does that help come from? If you have employees, that’s your No. 1 source of help for success.
If you have a team, those may be what you would lean on during your success journey.
Of course, customers and/or clients can be of crucial help to you.
Friends, family and others close to you can be yet another source of help.
As you journey toward success, do you acknowledge the help you are getting? Do you reward it?
More importantly, are you returning that help to them, as they move on their success journeys?
We all want success for ourselves. Some of us want success solely for ourselves, but not necessarily for those who are helping us.
Others don’t feel successful unless they are helping others be successful.
Perhaps that describes you.
. If so, as you pursue your version of success, take time to not only acknowledge those who help you, but also to help them in return.
If people help people, everyone involved can succeed. As you pursue your journey, you may find helpers you had not known before.
As you look for ways to succeed , you may find people you hadn’t met previously waiting to help you.
They will extend your network of friends to amazing levels. These friends may bring in others who will contribute to your success.
That’s how one creates his or her village. As people within the village succeed, eventually the entire village will succeed, presuming everyone inside puts in the required effort.
Raising children and becoming successful often take a village. How are you assembling yours?


Debbi Fields loved to bake chocolate chip cookies. Little did this California housewife know that her hobby would become a big business – Mrs. Fields.
Ken Hannah started a steak house restaurant in Massachusetts. But it was his homemade salad dressing that would become his empire – Ken’s salad dressing.
We often dream that our hobbies, our passion or something we create would earn us great wealth. It happens rarely, so most of us have to be content with just loving our avocations. If we turn them into an income stream, that’s a bonus.
But there is hope for all of us – even those who don’t yet have avocations about which they are passionate. It’s the greatest anti-poverty program in the world for two reasons: it makes average people wealthy AND people get wealthy by helping others get wealthy. It’s known as network marketing.
Robert Kiyosaki, with Sharon L. Lechter, in the series of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” books, has written a book titled “Rich Dad: The Business School For People Who Like Helping People.” In it, he shows that it’s not the invention itself that makes one rich. It’s the network by which that invention is distributed that makes people rich.
Debbi Fields and Ken Hannah invented something special, but didn’t become rich until that invention was widely distributed. In network marketing, the product(s) have already been invented or created. The average person gets rich by building a network to distribute that product. Here’s the beauty of it: you don’t have to build these networks through anything other than talking to others about it, and showing it to them.
Kiyosaki did not build his fortune through network marketing. But through his research, as his book states, he’s become a fan. Why? You see, many people get rich AT THE EXPENSE of others. They use others’ labor and others’ talent to enrich themselves. Those who made them rich get very few of the spoils.
Through most legitimate network marketing companies, one cannot get rich unless he helps others do the same. Anyone can do it, yet, network marketing is not for everyone, Kiyosaki says. Donald Trump and Warren Buffett also have invested in network marketing companies.
To do anything well, you have to believe in what you are doing. Belief turns to passion. Passion oozes out of you as you talk about your product, and recruit others to work with you. Those who are looking to change their lives will see that passion in you, and want to follow you. The passion becomes contagious, and the people who see your passion and join you, become passionate themselves and attract others. That cycle builds networks that can make everyone in it rich.
Why is it not for everyone? There are lots of folks who NEED something to come into their lives that will change it for the better. But not everyone LOOKS FOR IT! Many are content enough with what they have, even though they envy others who have more. Many others are clearly not content, but even if you put a fortune in front of them, they will never see it. Still others see it as too good to be true, and are so skeptical they won’t get near it – no matter how well they know you, and no matter how passionate you are. To borrow a phrase from the U.S. Marines, you are looking for the few, who will ultimately become the proud (and rich). Along the way, you’ll find the many who will not.
There are many good network marketing companies out there. To check out one of the best, visit How will you know that the one you are shown is among the best, and won’t burn you? You can do your own research, of course, but here is your first clue: is the person showing it to you SHOWING, rather than SELLING? How will you know that? He’ll take NO for an answer, and walk away.
He may update you periodically on how he’s doing, if you show some interest, but he won’t keep bothering you. Remember, he’s interviewing you for his business. He’s not looking for any special talent. He’s looking for desire and interest. Sure, he may sell you a product that you will use anyway, and may not want to sell yourself. But he’s really looking for business partners.
The next time someone you know – or perhaps someone you don’t yet know – offers to show you something that they say could change your life, check it out. Say no if it’s not for you. Say yes if you believe it is. But unless your life is so good that you don’t need a change, take a look. Then, decide.